Plano, TX - 10/26/2011 UnitedHealthcare StudentResources has accomplished the system and research of its 2011 Student Fulfillment Study for Boston student insureds.
Their goal for this survey is to understand how fulfilled our Boston student insureds are with the goods and solutions offered by UnitedHealthcare StudentResources.
Survey Population
The survey tool was available online from The month of january 26, 2011 through March 2011. Study engagement needs were sent via email to 12,702 Boston student insureds on The month of january 26, 2011.
In addition, messages were sent to taking part Boston school staff with the ask for that they assist us in stimulating student engagement in laptop computer. They sent note messages to learners who had not accomplished laptop computer on March 2, 16 and 23.
Response Summary
They’re happy that they tripled our reaction rate to 6.3% this season (798 compared to 158 last year).
As a result, the direction offered by the tendencies is in the past considerable and our key results provide a strong opportunity to develop our marketing and sales communications and Client Assistance relationships.
Key Findings
This season's regular satisfaction ranking of 6.1 was considerably enhanced over last season's ranking of 5.2.
On a range of 0 to 10 (“0” being the most severe possible strategy and “10” being the best possible plan) more than 89% ranked the strategy either “fair” or “good”, when in comparison to 76% last season.
Students were reasonably fulfilled with their insurance plan, with only 16% score the strategy “poor”.
The satisfaction ranking for those insureds that desired emergent or immediate solutions enhanced this season.
Of those learners who required non-urgent care, 69.9% revealed appropriate use of that care, down a little bit from last season's survey.
About 50 % the participants have a individual medical doctor and 75% of those physicians are in the UnitedHealthcare system.
The survey outcomes show you an development in overall satisfaction for insureds whose individual medical doctor was in the UnitedHealthcare system, with a typical satisfaction ranking of 5.5, when in comparison to last season's 4.7.
Respondents were very fulfilled with their individual physicians. The outcomes indicate that 79.2% of time their doctor described, took in, revealed admiration and spend enough time with them.
Of those participants who obtained any kind of care, treatment or assessments through their student insurance plan, 67.6% revealed being able to “always” or “usually” get that care from their student insurance plan, and development over last season's 49.2%.
Slightly less than 50 % the participants used their student insurance plan plan’s Client Assistance Officials. Of these, 53.6% revealed that it was “always” or “usually always” to get the information and assistance they were seeking. This is a considerable development over last season's 32.6%.
Last season, 50% of our insureds indicated that our types were difficult to finish. This season, 66% of the participants indicated that our types were “always” or “usually always” easy to finish.
Our insureds were much more fulfilled with their student insurance plan this season than they were last season in several key areas.
They are motivated that our attempts are making a difference to those they provide. They will continue our focus on increasing use of care, our Client Assistance and Statements relationships and the simpleness of our types.
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